
Vlog Episode 1 // Marigold & Grey CEO Reveals Biggest Business Disaster

FILED IN: Behind-the-Scenes, Vlog Episodes

Posted By: Jamie Kutchman

Posted by: Carla Stubbs , Studio Assistant & Videographer

Did you catch our official vlog intro video where we explained exactly why we decided to start a YouTube channel in the first place? In it, we promised you that Episode One would be coming soon and that time is here!!! In this first episode, Jamie shares the biggest business disaster she's experienced since starting the business and how she (along with the team) remedied the situation. Yep... we're really sharing the biggest mistake!

When I joined the team in January, this mishap was still fresh on Jamie's mind and not necessarily in a good way.  But as soon as I heard the full story, I knew it was too important to keep to ourselves. Disasters have a way of feeling slightly less terrible as time passes and once Jamie got to the point where she affectionately referred to it as #Peargate, I knew that sharing this experience would hopefully shine a light on the messy and not-so-fun aspects of owning a business and the work it takes to lead a business when things don't go your way. Jamie flew to Florida (TWICE in the same week!) during our busiest time of year to remedy the gifts, not because she had to, but because she knew that it was the right thing to do for our client.

The true story of this business is the heart behind it, and I hope you get a real feel for this in today's vlog. Be sure to SUBSCRIBE HERE and comment what you'd love to see more of in Episode 2 which is already underway!

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