• 08-29-2024

    How Business Ownership Helps You in Tough Times

    FILED IN: Behind-the-Scenes, M&G Happenings, Unboxing the Business

    Posted By: Jamie Kutchman

    Welcome to another chapter of 'Unboxing the Business,' where I take time to shed light on the day-to-day challenges of running artisan gifting business Marigold & Grey, share helpful business tips I've...

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  • 06-26-2024

    When the Creative Process Goes Wrong

    FILED IN: Behind-the-Scenes, M&G Happenings, Unboxing the Business

    Posted By: Jamie Kutchman

    It's time for another 'Unboxing the Business,' where I take time to offer business tips, shed light on the day-to-day challenges of running artisan gifting business Marigold & Grey, and...

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  • 05-26-2024

    Why a CEO Does Non-CEO Things in the Business

    FILED IN: Behind-the-Scenes, M&G Happenings, Unboxing the Business

    Posted By: Jamie Kutchman

    Welcome to back to another installment of 'Unboxing the Business,' where I get into the nitty gritty of running creative gifting business, Marigold & Grey. In this real and honest...

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  • 01-10-2024

    A Year In Review

    FILED IN: Behind-the-Scenes, M&G Happenings, Unboxing the Business

    Posted By: Jamie Kutchman

    2023, where did you go?! It feels like just yesterday that we were undergoing a complete re-organization of our team at the top of the year. I agonized over the decision to...

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  • 11-27-2023

    7 Free Ways to Support a Small Business

    FILED IN: Behind-the-Scenes, M&G Happenings, Unboxing the Business

    Posted By: Jamie Kutchman

    It’s no secret that social media portrays entrepreneurship as a life of instant, guaranteed success with a corresponding glamorous lifestyle. And while business ownership has been one of the greatest joys of...

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  • 09-27-2023

    Lessons Learned About Hiring + Firing

    FILED IN: Behind-the-Scenes, M&G Happenings, Unboxing the Business

    Posted By: Jamie Kutchman

    While having employees is one of the absolute best parts of business ownership, it can also be one of the most challenging. The pressure to not hire too quickly but...

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