
7 Things I'm Thankful For as A Creative Entrepreneur

FILED IN: Behind-the-Scenes, Holiday & Seasonal

Posted By: Jamie Kutchman


Things-I'm-Thankful-For-Creative-Entrepreneur Image: Red October Photography

As a gift designer and owner of an artisan gift box company, I'm usually the one sending out gifts on behalf of others. Whether they're wedding welcome gifts, corporate gifts or client gifts, it doesn't matter. Gratitude is usually at the heart of it all. Sometimes I get so busy gifting on behalf of others that I don't express my own gratitude nearly enough as I would like. So, here goes...

Gut Instinct

I never officially tested the market before quitting my corporate career and diving right in to Marigold & Grey. This so-called strategy is definitely NOT recommended. But I trusted my gut instinct that boutique gifting services were needed and I ended up being right. However, I'm very aware that it could've ended up much differently for me and for this, I am thankful!

Things-I'm-Thankful-For-Creative-Entrepreneur Image: Red October Photography


Hands down, I would not be where I am today without my clients. They've put trust in us to create gifts on their behalf when they could have easily just attempted to do it themselves. But instead, they put trust in our work ethic and vision each and every day. I am thankful for Marigold & Grey clients and will never take them for granted. You are wedding planners, corporate event planners, busy brides, busy grooms, and all-around generous people who value gifting and I love you all!

Things-I'm-Thankful-For-Creative-Entrepreneur Image: Lisa Ziesing of Abby Jiu Photography


Through investing in various communities, I have found a tribe to bounce ideas off of and overall feel supported to no matter what. Good days, bad days and everything in between, it's a blessing to have community behind you as you try new things and "go for it" each day. Through being selected as a group leader for the Rising Tide Society, I lead a Tuesdays Together group in my home each month. I've also found a solid community in the Savvy Business Owners group led by Heather Crabtree as well as all of the AMAZING women I met while speaking at the Inspired Retreat back in September, led by Amber Housley.


I've been able to grow the Marigold & Grey team beyond me, myself and I! As a result, I've been able to take on more projects and begin to actually scale the business. It also means I've been able to take off a little bit of time here and there knowing that they have my back. It also means I don't have to be good at #allthethings. I can shine in the areas I excel in and allow them to shine in their best areas too. Not to mention, victories are much sweeter when you have team member to share them with! Thank you Kelly Rumpke, Anna Yushkova and Emily Tempchin for all you do!!!

Things-I'm-Thankful-For-Creative-Entrepreneur Image: Red October Photography


I do small business mentoring for a limited number of clients each month but let's face it...mentors sometimes need mentoring too. I have a few, very experienced business owners who have helped me in a few key areas this year and I can already tell a difference. It's important to reach out for help when you need it. Just because you're a business owner doesn't mean you're an expert in everything. I'm thankful to have people I can trust enough to be vulnerable with and, in turn, get my weaknesses corrected before they become problematic.


When I look around the new studio, I often think "How in the hell did I EVER fit all of this stuff in my basement and run a business?" Well, we've been in the new studio for over two months and I still don't know the answer to this question. Having enough space to keep inventory organized and be able to work without the distractions of home is more than I could've ever dreamed of. I also get to leave work behind at the end of the day and try to get a mental break. New studio...I'm thankful for ya!

Things-I'm-Thankful-For-Creative-Entrepreneur Image: Red October Photography

Lewis & Clarkie

These little guys cheer me up and make a house feel like a home. And more recently, make a studio feel like a home too! I would rescue a million more if I could.

Things-I'm-Thankful-For-Creative-Entrepreneur Image: Renee Hollingshead Photography

Things-I'm-Thankful-For-Creative-Entrepreneur Image: Jen S Photography


This guy. Sometimes I'm distracted, tired, overworked and stressed. My income isn't anywhere near what it used to be as I grow this business from the ground up using savings from my previous career. And he's still right by my side no matter what. Thankful for you, Jeff

Things-I'm-Thankful-For-Creative-Entrepreneur Image: Jen S Photography

Please share with us what you're thankful for this year! We'd really love to hear from you!

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