
Marigold & Grey Gift Studio Decorates for the Holidays

FILED IN: Behind-the-Scenes, Holiday & Seasonal, M&G Happenings

Posted By: Jamie Kutchman

As a small business owner, especially one with employees, it's a good idea to reserve time for team outings. Earlier this week, Team Marigold & Grey took a break from creating holiday gift boxes for clients and ventured out to find the perfect Christmas tree for the new studio. Our first-ever studio tree!


The first three locations we tried (a church, a grocery store and a random parking lot) had the perfect trees but no one working so sadly, we had to keep looking. We finally ended up at Home Depot and scored the perfect 7-foot frasier fir. Well, perfect for us anyway. The studio has high ceilings so technically we could've gotten a much larger tree but it's nice to keep things simple and more manageable. Having to get up on a ladder to finish off the top of the tree is overrated if you ask me.


Lots of teamwork went into arranging the ornaments just-so. We chose a combination of silver, gold, copper and white with some wood elements for extra interest! Plenty of holiday music was in the background while we worked!


I'm over-the-moon smitten with how it turned out. We even found an "M" ornament and a "G" ornament at Target...can you see it? Unfortunately, we couldn't find the "&" ornament to match so we're making due with just "M" and "G" for now. Eventually something will turn up!


After the tree was done, we continued on to decorate other areas of the studio. Stay tuned for more pics over the coming days. We still have a few things left to finish!


As a creative entrepreneur, I highly recommend making time to get out of the office. It offers a fresh perspective and a chance to bond with your team. Happy holidays everyone!

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