
Day Trip to Annapolis Maryland Floral Design Intrigue Designs

FILED IN: Behind-the-Scenes, M&G Happenings

Posted By: Jamie Kutchman

When Chesapeake Bay Beach Club called a few months back to ask if Marigold & Grey would be interested in designing custom wedding gifts for their upcoming Bowties & Bubbly bridal show, of course my answer was "Yes Yes Yes"! Then, I was asked if I wanted to have a separate Marigold & Grey booth and my answer was, again, "Yes Yes Yes"!

Now that the event is mere weeks away, it dawned on me that I've never actually done a bridal show booth before, or any booth for that matter. Yikes. Just as I was getting ready to hit the panic button, the ultra-talented Sarah Campbell from Intrigue Design invited me to her Annapolis studio to borrow props from her collection. Thank you, Jesus.

When a creative-at-heart person such as myself invests fifteen years in the corporate world and then finally takes a leap of faith to start over where they really belong, getting the chance to tour an award-winning design studio is like heaven on earth. Not to mention, the opportunity to brainstorm with an expert like Sarah. Priceless.

I arrived in the morning and Sarah and her team were busy at work on their last big wedding of the year! White blooms for days. Just breathtaking.



Sarah took a break from production and showed me the warehouse area. Let's just say The Container Store has nothing on Intrigue! There were containers in all different shapes, styles, sizes, and materials. You name it and it was probably there. My head was spinning with all the possibilities. My heart rate...definitely elevated!





Loved the various set-ups on display with dried florals to include moss and driftwood.




Even the ceiling offered inspiration!



Happy to report, I scored some fabulous props for the first-ever Marigold & Grey booth! Not going to reveal them just yet. Come see us at the show! Tickets & Event Info

A heartfelt 'thank you' to Sarah and the Intrigue team!


Do you know what clients love? Client gifts! Welcome your new couples with a few pieces they won't soon forget receiving.


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