
Curated Gift Box Business Marigold & Grey Welcomes New Operations Manager Chloe Morakis

FILED IN: Behind-the-Scenes, M&G Happenings

Posted By: Jamie Kutchman, Founder

In keeping with our mission statement and core values, we love designing beautiful gifts but beauty means nothing if we don't execute to perfection. For this reason, Operations is everything around here. If you read our blog on the regular or follow along on social, it's no secret that we've struggled over the last months finding the perfect person to fill this all-important spot. I'm thrilled to report that we've found her and I can't believe she's already been with us for three months! It's definitely time for you to meet her!

Curated gift box business operations manager

While most of us fear overlapping deadlines, dread tackling vendor issues, and hate the pressure of making sure inventory is always available in the exact quantities needed, this is precisely where our new team member Chloe thrives! She's been with us for several months and at the risk of jinxing it, I'm not exaggerating when I say that things are running better operationally than EVER before.

Now for a little Q&A with Chloe so you can hear from her in her own words...

Tell us a little about yourself.

I grew up in Potomac, Maryland and could never leave the DC area—I love it so much! I graduated from Dickinson College with a B.A. in Sociology. Right after I graduated, I started teaching at Pure Barre Rockville and did that for almost two years (over 1,000 classes taught!). I am a shopaholic, Taylor Swift fiend, and budding cat lady. Oh, and half of my wardrobe is pink.

What attracted you to the Operations position?

I love that the Operations position is all about keeping organized and staying one step ahead of the game at all times. Success in the Operations position means success for my coworkers and for the business as a whole, which is really motivating for me!

What were you doing before joining M&G and how do you think it will benefit you in your new position?

Before joining Marigold & Grey, I was a Studio Manager at Pure Barre Rockville. I kept the studio running on all levels from staffing to daily emails to memberships to, yes, even bathroom supplies! In this Operations position with M&G, I keep the gifts flowing out the door! While these two studios are very different, the level of responsibility and the volume of things I have to keep track of is very similar.  

New operations manager at gift box business Marigold & Grey

What do you most look forward to about the job?

I most look forward to getting to see all the pretty items we are stocking in the studio. It’s going to be a struggle to keep my hands off those gardenia scented candles!

What advice do you have for brides-to-be going through the wedding planning process?

I’m not married, and there’s no wedding in my future, but feel FREE to email all suitable bachelors to chloe@marigoldgrey.com.

Fave celebrity wedding?

Hannah Bronfman and Brendan Fallis’s Wes Anderson Inspired Wedding! If you don’t know about it, look it up and prepare to be amazed.

Fave movie?

Ugh, so many! My go-to when I’m sick or feeling 'meh' is always either the Intern or Mamma Mia.

Fave travel destination?

I went to Charleston, SC last year over Memorial Day Weekend and it was divine! I am hoping to broaden my horizons in the travel department, to be honest.

Fave Insta account these days and why?

Ooo, this is such a tough one. @juliahengel @thekirstyfiles @prettyinthepines are all people I follow for the lifestyle tips and inspiration—think hair, clothes, home décor, gardening, etc.

Who inspires you?

Grace Atwood, Chinae Alexander, and Taylor Swift.


Is online shopping a hobby? I love DIY and home improvement projects. One weekend last month it was really nice out, so I repainted the shutters on our house. I’m looking forward to more projects like this now that we’re in warm weather season! 

Best gift you’ve ever received?

I actually have a top three for this category: a karaoke machine (I was 7, but still remember the feeling of getting it to this day!), box seat tickets to Taylor Swift’s Red concert for my 16th birthday, and a cat travel backpack in rose gold (my cats are completely terrified of it, but the thought was GENIUS).

We hope you'll join us in giving Chloe a warm welcome! We are so excited to see what contributions she will continue to bring to M&G as well as how she develops personally and professionally during her time with us. For a listing of our current career and internship openings, visit here.

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