
Top Reasons to Send New Years Client Gifts in Lieu of Holiday Gifts

FILED IN: Education, Holiday & Seasonal

Posted By: Jamie Kutchman

If you caught our post about the ideal times to send out your client gifts, you're already aware of three of the best times to maximize the wow factor. But of these three timeframes we recommend, you may already know why we think January is our personal favorite. I'm excited to share these reasons with you and also show you some examples of client projects we've done with a New Years theme that were all extremely well received!

To inquire about custom New Years gift boxes for your clients, inquire here.

new years gift boxes

Top Reasons to Send New Year's Gifts in Lieu of Holiday Gifts:


If you send your client gifts too late in December, you run the risk of people leaving town early for extended holiday breaks. And in this day and age where shipping delays have become the norm, this is true more so than ever before. You want to try and avoid a situation where your client gifts will be sitting around, or worse yet, get delivered to office locations that are closed for the holidays, resulting in gifts (ie your investment in client experience and business development) getting returned to the sender. If you've gone out of your way to design and send holiday-themed gifts, if they arrive late after the holiday break, they immediately look like you didn't care enough to send them on time even though we all know shipping delays can be brutal. Sending them in January as a New Years theme allows you to avoid these risks completely!


From mid-November to the end of December, let's face it, countless gifts are coming through the door all at the same time. This means there's a higher risk of gifts getting set aside and lost. Maybe it arrived to the correct office or someone's home, but the recipient wasn't personally present to receive it so someone else sets it aside and forgets to alert them. Not to mention, there's a much higher likelihood of gifts getting lost in the mail at the holidays, or severely delayed, as the major carriers face massive increases in volume and labor shortages. 


When there are too many gifts to count coming through the door all around the same time in December, by nature of the situation, your gift automatically becomes less impactful. People develop "gift apathy" if they're getting too many at once. It's not necessarily that yours isn't amazing. It's more so that receiving a gift loses its allure and becomes less exciting amidst so many others. Spreading out the gifting so yours arrives in January automatically means that yours will stand out more than it would in December. 


People's stress levels are at an all-time high from Thanksgiving through the end of December. People are closing out their year at work, rushing to make their numbers, planning holiday parties for work AND for home, stressing over unfinished holiday shopping, finding time for gift wrap and holiday cards, etc. You get the idea! When people return from the holiday break, they're usually refreshed and optimistic and ready to tackle the New Year. Coming back to work with a fresh mentality means that a gift coming through the door during this time, especially if this gift is designed with a festive and celebratory vibe, is often very well received!


A lot of our clients initially worry that they will appear like a procrastinator if they hold off until January to do their client holiday gifting. But don't fall into this trap! Make a decision to intentionally send out your client gifts at this unconventional time and I guarantee you'll stand out from the crowd. You'll appear more creative and unafraid to think outside of the box. It's always better to do something intentionally and make it amazing than to rush something and end up with a lackluster result. 

Custom New Years Gift Design 

When our repeat client Gold PR came to us looking for a festive New Years-inspired gift design, we immediately came up with the an 'All That Glitters is Gold' concept as a play on both New Years AND the name of their firm. And as you'll see, we took this gold theme and didn't hold back!

To inquire about custom New Years gift boxes for your clients, inquire here.

new years gift boxes

We began with crisp with gift boxes and gold and white combo basket fill and went to work curating not only gold items, but gold items that still functionally go together. From gold Swell tumblers to luxury Voluspa candles and gold wick trimmers and lighter, to a gold tin with white hot chocolate and Sugarfina rock candy sticks, and yes even gold pine cones! We finished the gifts off with logo gift tags and a branded notecard with an upbeat sentiment from the firm's owner. 

new years themed gift boxes

We recommend doing New Years themed gift boxes to our M&G clients all of the time, especially when clients to come us for help with gifting in December and it would be a mad dash to get their gifts out in time for the holiday break. Rather than force it and risk them showing up late, it's best to seize the opportunity and run with it.  We believe in this January theory so much that we send out our own Marigold & Grey client gifts in the New Year. We definitely practice what we preach!

If you're looking for custom New Years gifts for your business, please inquire here. If you need something quick, check out our  Pop the Bubbly gift box in our online shop. Simply select the "Happy New Year" gift tag at checkout and voila! Any gift in our online collection can instantly become a New Years gift. 

Images: Lissa Ryan Photography
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