
Bride Surprises Bridal Party with Custom Bridesmaid Gifts // Part 2 of 2

FILED IN: Bridal Party & Groomsmen Gifts

Posted By: Jamie Kutchman

Perhaps you saw Part One of this week's mini series on some pretty unique bridesmaid gifts? Today, it's time for Part Two where we show you the real life behind-the scenes of Dana of Dane Rose Lee Photography gifting her girls these very special bridal party gifts. You may want to have some tissues close by for this one...

custom-bridesmaid-gift-box-new-york-wedding-marigold-grey Image: Red October Photography

The custom gift crates feature original art by her mother, a well-known equestrian artist. Sadly, Dana's mother passed away from cancer several years ago and the gifts were a way of honoring both her mother AND her best girl friends on her wedding day. Thankfully, Dana's wedding photographer Layce Bauman was on-hand immediately following the rehearsal dinner to capture these moments, as Dana invited her best friends back to her hotel room to surprise them with the gifts.

custom-bridesmaid-gift-box-new-york-wedding-marigold-grey Image: Layce Bauman Photography

custom-bridesmaid-gift-box-new-york-wedding-marigold-grey Image: Layce Bauman Photography

custom-bridesmaid-gift-box-new-york-wedding-marigold-grey Image: Layce Bauman Photography

The girls immediately begin digging in. At first, they discover the ivory Plum Pretty Sugar robes, merlot pashminas, artisan candles and rosebud salve.

custom-bridal-party-bridesmaid-gifts-dc-wedding-photographer-marigold-grey Image: Layce Bauman Photography

custom-bridal-party-bridesmaid-gifts-dc-wedding-photographer-marigold-grey Image: Layce Bauman Photography

Then, they discover the custom-framed original art.

custom-bridal-party-bridesmaid-gifts-dc-wedding-photographer-marigold-grey Image: Layce Bauman Photography

custom-bridal-party-bridesmaid-gifts-dc-wedding-photographer-marigold-grey Image: Layce Bauman Photography

custom-bridal-party-bridesmaid-gifts-dc-wedding-photographer-marigold-grey Image: Layce Bauman Photography

And here are the ladies looking absolutely stunning in their robes and the pashminas on wedding day!

custom-bridal-party-bridesmaid-gifts-dc-wedding-photographer-marigold-grey Image: Layce Bauman Photography

custom-bridal-party-bridesmaid-gifts-dc-wedding-photographer-marigold-grey Image: Layce Bauman Photography

We always have fun designing custom bridesmaid and groomsmen gifts but it's awfully rare that we get a behind-the scenes glimpse into everyone receiving the gifts. Thank you Dana for sharing! It means the world to see our gift designs bringing such joy to others.

For more information on custom gift design, reach out via hello@marigoldgrey.com or our custom gift design page.

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