
Gift Box Business Marigold & Grey Welcomes Fall Intern Emi O'Leary // Intern Intro

FILED IN: Behind-the-Scenes, M&G Happenings

Posted By: Jamie Kutchman

Here at Marigold & Grey, we absolutely love welcoming interns to our gift box studio. They typically spend an entire semester with us and once it's time for them to leave, we're ALWAYS sad to see them go. But as sad as we are, we're equally as excited to welcome the next intern who we're convinced will be a good fit for our program! This week, we welcome University of Maryland senior Emi O'Leary and can't wait to introduce her to you today!


Tell us a little about yourself!

Hi! My name is Emi O’Leary and I just started my senior year at the University of Maryland. I am majoring in Communications but I also have a huge love for studio art as well. I just studied abroad in Rome and I have never had a greater appreciation for pasta in my entire life. I’ve always had a passion for fitness and healthy eating and can often be found looking up new recipes on Pinterest. When I’m not running around campus, you can find me in my sorority’s kitchen talking to all my sisters or curled up in my room watching my latest Netflix series. I’m so excited to begin this new adventure with Marigold and Grey!

What are you most excited about for this internship?

I’m most excited to see the ins and outs of a small business, especially one with so much emphasis on being creative and maintaining its unique aesthetic. I’m also looking forward to gaining hands on experience and learning more about this industry!

Where else have you been an intern?

This past summer I interned at Ballet Jewels in New York City. Ballet is an accessories company that designs and produces jewelry as well as novelty items for stores like Kohl’s, Target and Wal-Mart. I got to work directly with Lauren Conrad’s line for Kohl’s, LC Lauren Conrad, which was such an amazing experience. I got to see concepts for products in the beginning stages all the way through to production and then eventually being on the store floor. It was such an eye-opening experience to see something that I had worked on come to life!

What about M&G made you want to apply for the internship?

After I saw a post about Marigold and Grey, I needed to know more about this artsy, unique company. They have such a unique take on a classic concept and the business itself encourages such creativity that I felt I had found a company that truly balances business and art beautifully.

What’s the best gift you’ve ever given? And received?

The best gift I’ve ever given was a collection of little trinkets from all the places I visited abroad for my best friend for her 21st birthday. I got her things from Lisbon, Dublin, Rome and Croatia. The best gift I received was a Polaroid camera. It’s honestly one of my most favorite possessions!

Where do you see yourself in five years?

In five years I hope to have a job in marketing or the fashion industry that lets me be creative and use my artistic background. I also hope to be working somewhere warm and sunny!

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We look forward to a fun semester having Emi with us in studio Marigold & Grey and teaching her all we know about creative entrepreneurship! Join us in giving her a warm welcome!

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