
Custom Welcome Gifts for District Bliss Couples' Social

FILED IN: Client & Corporate Gifts

Posted By: Jamie Kutchman

Today I'd planned to make the drive from DC to beautiful Charlottesville, Virginia to meet with a few wedding planners whom I've been admiring from afar. Unfortunately, Mother Nature didn't cooperate and we've had to reschedule. While I'm disappointed, it's ended up being a good day to hunker down and brainstorm on some custom gifts designs I have on my to-do list. Just don't ask if I'm out of my pj's yet...

Distrist Bliss DC (co-founded by Sara Alepin of Photos from the Harty and Sarah Campbell from Pollyanna Events) is busy planning their Couples' Social for February 26th at the City Tap House in DC. It's best described as a low-key but highly chic happy hour for newly engaged couples. It will offer a chill environment for brides and grooms-to-be to socialize with others in their same boat, while hearing helpful info on wedding planning from some industry experts. All while enjoying cocktails and snacks, obviously! Pretty cool idea, huh? Sara and Sarah reached out to me before the holidays to ask if I'd be interested in designing welcome gifts for the couples and, naturally, my answer was "of course".

The venue describes itself as "rustic yet comfortable". Personally, I'd describe it as cozy industrial. Think wood floors, tons of exposed stone (this girl's weakness) with exposed ceilings and a warm color palette (reds, rusts, oranges).


Sara and Sarah plan to use a peacock blue for pops of color against the warm palette along with some gold and silver accents.With this in mind, here's my initial plan for the gifts!


I already have some ideas for a more personalized gift tag which will involve the calligraphy talents of Poppy & Scooter, yay! And now, onto figuring out the goodies to go inside! Such fun, especially for this way-too-cold-to-go-outside kind of day.

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