
How to Create The Perfect May Day Curated Gift Basket

FILED IN: Education, Holiday & Seasonal, Social Gifts

Posted By: Jamie Kutchman

The way we see it here at studio Marigold & Grey, May Day is essentially the modern day version of "ding dong dash" except with a gorgeous surprise at the door as opposed to something not-so-great. May Day celebrations vary greatly around the world and even within various regions of the U.S. so depending on where you are, you may not celebrate. But regardless, it's time for a little how-to just in case you want to show a little gratitude to someone you love in the form of a May Day basket. Sure, it's last minute (May Day is today!) but because it's SO simple, we're confident after reading this you'll be able to throw something beautiful together in no time.

how-to-create-curated-may-day-gift-basket-marigold-grey Image: Red October Photography: Styling: Marigold & Grey


The essential item for any May Day basket is a floral bouquet. In fact, most May Day gifts only consist of florals. But since we are a curated gift box business, it's probably no surprise that we think it's fun to start with the florals and build from there! To achieve a spring-time feel, we opted for fresh tulips (from the grocery store!) and tied them together with a silk ribbon in nude.

how-to-create-curated-may-day-gift-basket-marigold-grey2 Image: Red October Photography: Ribbon: Torn & Tied


Since it's not merely a floral bouquet you'll be leaving on the porch, you'll need some sort of vessel to store all the goodies. We've opted for a white lacquer box from Container Store but you could really use any type of basket like this or even a structured gift bag like this.

Image: Red October Photography Image: Red October Photography

Gift Tag or Note

There are two ways you can go here. You can use a simple gift tag like the one you see here with "enjoy" in calligraphy (Poppy & Scooter) or a simple note card would also work well. In keeping with tradition. May Day gifts are usually anonymous but we won't tell if you want to sign your name and add a few words of gratitude.


We love the idea of tea in a May Day basket. Here's why. Tea is easy to find at virtually any grocery store or gift shop, comes in a huge variety of colors and patterns as well as tons of flavors. We selected Par Avion tea in a peach tin but you could really go with anything you can easily find and that you know your friend will enjoy!


Don't forget the sweets. We love the idea of a small chocolate bar. Again, easy to find on short notice and it's something most anyone will love. We selected an artisan chocolate bar with Washington DC packaging from one of our favorite local makers Fleurir Chocolates. Similar to the tea, chocolate bars come in many different varieties and the options for packaging are endless so have fun with this!

Image: Red October Photography Image: Red October Photography

While at first glance, it might appear complicated to pull something together but I promise you, it really isn't! Simple florals, tea, some sweets and a pretty container and notecard and you're done! We'd love to hear how it goes! Leave us a comment at the end of this post or reach out via our contact page. We always love seeing your creations. Happy May Day!

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