
Meet Our New Gift Studio Intern Kristina Engert // Intern Intro

FILED IN: Behind-the-Scenes, M&G Happenings

Posted By: Jamie Kutchman


Each semester, we welcome a new intern into our world of curated gift boxes including wedding welcome gifts, bridesmaid gifts, corporate gifts, workshop gifts and basically gifts for all occasions. I'm super excited to introduce you to Kristina Engert! You can also check out her bio on our about us page!

Now let's hear from Kristina in her own words...

Tell us a little about yourself!

Hi! My name is Kristina Engert and I am a senior at the University of Maryland. I am a communications major with a focus in public relations and a minor in general business. In my spare time, you can either find me curled up on my couch with a cup of tea and my latest book or enjoying a wine night with my friends. I am currently trying to complete a variety of things on my bucket list which include traveling to every continent, trying every Ben and Jerry's ice-cream flavor, and skiing the top 10 mountains in North America.

What are you most excited about for this internship?

I am really excited to gain experience in a small business and get real exposure with hands on work. I love how creative and artsy M&G is and I am looking forward to exploring that part of myself. I am also really excited to learn more about this industry. It is a new experience for me and I can't wait to see how much I learn!

Where else have you been an intern?

This past summer I was a marketing intern at International Flavors and Fragrances, which is a company that develops new flavors and fragrances! It was a really cool experience to taste test a bunch of different products throughout the summer! I primarily worked on designing lots of different templates to fit new brand standards, as well as doing a ton of research on new products entering different flavor segments! I also have worked as a marketing research intern at Evonik, a German chemical company, where I worked on several long-term research projects exploring different chemical market segments for growth.


What about M&G made you want to apply for the internship?

As soon as I saw M&G's website, I fell in love. The creativity and collaboration that goes into each gift basket is truly unique. I love the principles in which M&G is founded on and look forward to working with such a passionate team! I also loved the small business exposure I would get at M&G. As a whole, I loved how diverse each day would be at M&G which made me eager to apply!

What’s the best gift you’ve ever given? And received?

The best gift that I have ever given was probably to my boyfriend, I made an adventure book of our relationship mocking the one from the movie, Up! The best gift I ever received was when I got my own pair of skis. I will never forget the way I felt as I opened them on Christmas morning!

Where do you see yourself in five years?

In the next five years, I see myself in a steady marketing position, hopefully in the ski and snowboard industry. Ideally, I would be living out west and have the ability to ski every weekend and attend extreme sporting events such as the X Games!


We hope you'll join us in giving Kristina a warm welcome as she jumps in to learn about gift builds, business operations, social media and many other aspects of running a small business. Be on the lookout for the occasional blog post from her as well!

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