
Behind the Biz // What I Learned From My 3-Year Anniversary Getaway

FILED IN: Behind-the-Scenes, Education

Posted By: Jamie Kutchman


Prior to starting Marigold & Grey, oh my goodness, I used to travel all the time. When I decided to start a business, all travel came to a screeching halt. And pretty much overnight.

Last week, I broke the travel drought and headed to Providenciales, Turks & Caicos to celebrate Jeff and my third wedding anniversary. I was secretly SO anxious to leave my work behind but sure talked a good game.


"I'm TOTALLY not answering my phone when we're away."


"Nope, not checking email either." 


"Laptop? I don't need to bring a laptop". 


"I want to focus 100% on YOU and US especially since it's our anniversary and I've been distracted with Marigold & Grey for the last year or so".

You get the idea. I had big plans to completely disconnect and reconnect with my husband. In reality, I achieved somewhere in-between. Even with me partially unplugging, my relationship benefited greatly. We reminisced about our 2012 wedding and honeymoon. We reflected on how much my career change has changed our lives. We took time to talk through some sensitive topics that, if at home, we wouldn't have made anywhere near as much progress. We had leisurely breakfasts together, discussed current events, vegged on the beach all day, enjoyed that gorgeous hour each afternoon just before sundown, put effort into getting dressed-up to go to romantic dinners (no yoga pants for this girl!) and walked around hand-in-hand.


The reason I'm sharing this isn't just to post some iPhone pics of sun and sand. It's more about recognizing how hard it is to REALLY unplug when you own a business. I tried hard and still couldn't quite do it. Some of that can be good. It means you're busy and have business coming in. It also means you care. BUT. It shouldn't be the rare exception that you truly focus on your relationships.

I also had some time to myself on the trip. Mainly when Jeff Wynne would put in his ear phones and fall asleep in the sun. Maybe I talk too much or something?


During this alone time, my mind was SO clear. I finished two whole books. I even strategized for next year. Brainstorming on the beach is definitely a thing! I filled up page after page in my notebook with nothing but blog ideas and even completed my entire 2016 sales plan.


Sure, getting away can cause you more work when you return. It may even inconvenience a client or two. But YOU will be better if you force yourself to take a break and, in turn, your business will be better. The trip did wonders for both my marriage and me. Not sure about Jeff, but I'm already secretly plotting where-to next!


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