
Holiday Card Crafting for Charity with Rising Tide Society

FILED IN: Holiday & Seasonal, M&G Happenings

Posted By: Jamie Kutchman

On the second Tuesday of each month, I host the local #TuesdaysTogether gathering in my home. It's designed for creative entrepreneurs in the Bethesda/Chevy Chase area. This month's meeting was special. Instead of meeting to discuss a business topic like we normally do, we decided to give back. We created homemade holiday cards to send to nursing homes all over the country.

Admidst the chaos of paper, glitter, watercolors, ribbon and glue, I lost count. But, we had somewhere between 30 and 35 creative entrepreneurs show up. We obviously couldn't all fit around the same table but we made it work!


People brought whatever supplies they had at home in their craft boxes and everyone shared. It was a happy chaos! "Anyone have a green marker?" "Hey, please pass the glue!" "I need the gold paper!" You get the idea.

And as you can see, these ladies brought their A-game!



Dana, owner of Dana Rose Lee Photography, was kind enough to professionally shoot our event so there will be some much prettier images hitting the blog very soon. But thought it would be fun to give everyone a sneak peek in the meantime from whatever I had on my iPhone.

I was moved to tears when everyone went home and I began sifting through the finished cards. The amount of talent, effort and thought that went into each and every card took my breath away. Clearly, when this many creatives get together to use their creativity to touch the lives of others, amazing things happen!


A huge thank you to the Rising Tide Society for rallying all TuesdaysTogether groups to do charitable things this month!

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