
Curated Gift Box Business Marigold & Grey Welcomes New Operations Manager Jean Hilpert

FILED IN: Behind-the-Scenes, M&G Happenings

Posted By: Jamie Kutchman

Perhaps you caught our recent post where we explained why we were hiring for an Operations Manager? Well, I'm overjoyed to announce that we've found just the right individual to join our team and take over for Kelly, who steps away to focus on being a first-time Mom. I'm thrilled for you to meet Jean Hilpert and absolutely cannot wait to see how she helps take Marigold & Grey to the next level operationally, both with our Custom Gift Design Service and our online shop offering! Time for a little Q&A with Jean...


Tell us a little about yourself.

Hello! My name is Jean and I am so very excited to be joining the team at Marigold & Grey!

I was born and raised in Pittsburgh and moved to the DC Metro area with my college sweetheart, Wyatt in 2010. Our family has grown to include two Tabby cats and a Russian Blue along with an ever growing collection of plants.

What attracted you to the Operations Manager position?

I have a very entrepreneurial spirit and was looking for career growth in an organization where I could making meaningful and impactful decisions to help grow a business while using all the skills I have acquired in the retail industry.

What were you doing before joining M&G and how do you think it will benefit you in your new position?

Before joining M&G I was working for a large department store doing Visual Merchandising. My previous experience has made me an extremely organized person who is great a juggling multiple projects and timelines. My past experiences have also helped me to realize that I love to find inefficiency and strategize ways to improve operations.

What do you most look forward to about the job?

I am most excited to work for a growing small business and an extremely passionate business owner while building well-curated gifts for our clients.

Tell us about planning your own wedding. What advice do you have for brides-to-be going through the wedding planning process?

I absolutely loved planning my own wedding! Getting to create an event celebrating your love together is a truly special experience. Initially it was very frustrating getting everything to fall into place and the logistics worked out but the day ended up being more magical than I could have ever imagined! My advice would be to keep yourself level headed and remember that sometimes you will have to compromise. Not every vendor you want might be available for your date or budget so you have to be flexible. Also remember to take the time to cherish the process because looking back it was a wonderful bonding time between families.


Fave celebrity wedding?

Kate Upton and Justin Verlander. I absolutely loved their rustic and romantic style for the tuscan wedding and both her ceremony dress by Valentino and afterparty dress by Christy Rilling Studio.

Fave movie?

Hands down, Serendipity but I’m really a sucker for any John Cusack movie.

Fave travel destination?

The Outer Banks in NC hold a special place in my heart as it was always the favorite family vacation spot growing up. We have so many wonderful memories there, including where my proposal happened!

Fave Insta account these days and why?

I would say its impossible to pick just one!


@Maemae_co and @houselarsbuilt - creative inspiration for days!


@Spell_byronbay - this Australian fashion brands account makes me all kinds of happy with beautiful fashion inspiring styling with breathtaking views of Australia


@Urbanjungleblog - I love seeing others plant collections styled in homes for me more green = more happy!


Who inspires you?

As an artist:

Shay Corcoran - I am blown away by how she has created a whole new category for styled stock images and helps others build their brands and businesses with impeccable imagery.

As an activist:

Safia Minney - I am truly inspired by her passion pioneering sustainable and Fair Trade fashion practices and currently reading her book Slave to Fashion.

As a philanthropist:

Diane Von Furstenberg - My all time favorite fashion designer who now is doing amazing work to empower, inspire and connect women.


Painting, gardening, hiking and other outdoor adventures!

Best gift you’ve ever given?

Since painting has been one of my life long hobbies, when my sister got married last year I surprised her and her husband with a portrait painting of the two of them and their dog which she now proudly has hung in their living room. For me, it is very special to be able to create something that will be cherished for years and I typically pair my paintings with a gift basket of smaller items with a personal touch - in this case it was a bottle of wine, a nice box of chocolate and beautiful hand poured soy candle.

Please join Team Marigold & Grey in giving Jean a warm welcome! You may occasionally hear from her on blog but will most definitely see her on Instagram Stories as we're always sharing plenty of our behind-the-scenes with you.

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