
Artisan Gifting Business Marigold & Grey Attends NYNOW Gift Show in New York City

FILED IN: M&G Happenings

Posted By: Jamie Kutchman, Founder

We've been invited by NYNOW to attend their wholesale products show for a few seasons in a row and the dates unfortunately never worked out. But that wasn't the case earlier this month when Chloe and I hopped on the train and left the rest of the M&G team to hold down the fort while we headed to NYC to see what NYNOW is all about! The purpose of our trip was to meet with some existing vendors face-to-face to strengthen our relationships with them. But equally as important, as we always strive to innovate and bring fresh ideas to the gifting space, we wanted to discover new vendors we'd never heard of before for possible inclusion in our future gift designs. We have a few new collections in the works and so this show could not have come at a better time. 

curated gift box business marigold & grey

curated gift box business marigold & grey

The show, held at the Javits Center, was mammoth. Actually the term "mammoth" is an understatement. We allotted two days and in retrospect, we should've allotted three or even the full four days! There truly was THAT much to see! From candles to soaps to matchboxes to tote bags to woven baskets to artificial greens to dried florals to baby toys to tech gadgets to stationery to you-name-it...it was there! 

curated gift box business marigold & grey

curated gift box business marigold & grey

We arrived at the show with a pre-determined plan of the types of items we wanted to see. But then the real magic happened! We discovered categories of products that we'd never before even considered for inclusion in our curated gift boxes. Touching and feeling and learning about completely new products allowed us to widen our scope of thinking and got our creative juices flowing. In the past, to be honest, we viewed this show as optional and not mandatory. But after the experience we had and all the new and fresh ideas we returned with, I highly doubt we'll be missing a show again. 

curated gift box business marigold & grey

A huge 'thank you' to NYNOW for inviting us, giving us the VIP treatment in your Hosted Buyers Lounge, and for sending us back to DC with so much inspiration for our online shop and to innovate and remain fresh in the gifting space. We are so thankful! 

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