
Here's Why Bachelorette Weekend Gifts Are Becoming a Wedding Trend

FILED IN: Bridal Party & Groomsmen Gifts, M&G Happenings

Posted By: Jamie Kutchman

Since starting boutique gifting service Marigold & Grey back in 2014, I have designed countless bridal party gifts and wedding welcome gifts and while the demand for these types of curated gifts aren't going anywhere, I'm starting to see a new trend developing! With bachelorette parties evolving from a single night of bar hopping to well-planned destination weekends with less alcohol and more spa-like experiences, the desire for bachelorette weekend welcome gifts is on the rise! We are thrilled to be front and center in embracing this new trend.


This idea first occurred to me when I was asked to create custom welcome gift boxes for a group of college besties who were leaving their husbands and babies behind for a girls' weekend away. I immediately thought to myself that if these women enjoyed these welcome gifts so much for a reunion-like weekend away, bachelorette getaways could enjoy them just as much or even more!


With bridal parties are already investing in engagement gifts, bridesmaids dresses, bridal showers, wedding gifts,  and traveling out of town for the wedding itself, brides-to-be are especially appreciative of their bride tribe extending the bachlorette party into a weekend-long event. We agree that this additional occasion to gift the bridal party ahead of the bachelorette weekend is certainly very appropriate.


We currently have a few custom bachelorette projects in the works and I can't wait to share them once they're brought to life. Who knows, we may have to add an entire new category to our online gallery if this trend really takes off like I'm predicting it will!

For more information on our Custom Gift Design Service, please reach out via our contact page or email hello@mariogldgrey.com. We always love hearing from you!

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