
Beach-Inspired Welcome Baskets for Destination Wedding in Dominican Republic

FILED IN: Uncategorized, Wedding Welcome Gifts

Posted By: Jamie Kutchman

When a D.C. area wedding designer Jessica Marie of Social Supply Events reached out needing help creating tropical, beach-inspired wedding welcome gifts for her own upcoming destination wedding, we could hardly wait to begin the design process. While we generally don't create custom gifts for events outside the U.S., we made an exception and were thrilled to hear that these custom welcome baskets successfully made it all the way to the Dominican Republic in the bride's luggage!

Photo: Lissa Ryan Photography Photo: Lissa Ryan Photography

The goal of the gifts was to create a little excitement upon the guest's arrival and provide some comfort during their stay. We opted for seagrass baskets with neutral elements to compliment the elevated beach vibe of the wedding, planned by Virginia-based Strawberry Milk Events. For snacks, we selected coconut chips, plantain chips, and dried apricots tied with twine and a wax seal.

Image: Lissa Ryan Photography Image: Lissa Ryan Photography

In addition to sweet and savory snacks, the gift boxes also included useful items such as Voss water and custom hangover kits with Advil, Pepto, and the cutest little bottles of sunscreen. We packaged them in our signature drawstring pouches with a soft grey first aid symbol for added customization.

Image: Red October Photography Image: Red October Photography

For a really special addition, we added striped turkish towels and fun sunglasses for guests to use during the weekend. Due to lack of room inside the baskets, we opted to present them on the outside of the baskets, tucked underneath the ribbon, and were pretty thrilled with how they turned out!

Image: Lissa Ryan Photography Image: Lissa Ryan Photography

We included welcome notes featuring modern calligraphy and packaged in vellum paper. The notes outlined all of the details of the weekends' events! We finished off the gifts with a sprig of eucalyptus, tied off with tan raw-edge ribbon and personalized gift tags. Instead of generic tags with "Welcome to the Dominican Republic", we had each guest's name printed on their very own gift tag which took the level of thoughtfulness to a whole new level.

Image: Lissa Ryan Photography Image: Lissa Ryan Photography

These are totally in the running for one of our absolute favorite custom gift designs of 2018 and its only early April! We hope the guests enjoyed them as much as we loved creating them. For more information on our Custom Gift Design Service, reach out via our contact page or visit here. We’d love to hear from you and learn more about your gifting goals.

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1 comment

  • kesha blackman: April 23, 2019

    Where did you get the baskets from?

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