
Bridal Gift Photoshoot with DC Wedding Photographer Abby Jiu

FILED IN: Behind-the-Scenes, Bridal Party & Groomsmen Gifts, M&G Happenings, Wedding Welcome Gifts

Posted By: Jamie Kutchman

Big week for Marigold & Grey! For months, I've been working on creating a very special line of pre-designed gifts, mainly "will you be my bridesmaid?", bride-to-be, and flower girl gifts. I've been tweaking and re-tweaking the combinations to make sure they are just right. Finally, earlier this week, it was time to meet up with Abby Jiu so she could photograph the gift designs in preparation for the official launch.

And now for a little behind-the-scenes action shot! By the way, could this marble table be ANY more perfect to compliment my branding? Total case of table envy going on!


And now for a sneak peek of the "Will You Be My Maid of Honor?" design...


A special 'thank you' to Pop the Cork Designs for throwing together a gorgeous arrangement which Abby and I later used as the perfect backdrop for all of the finished gifts. If Pop the Cork florals look THIS good after her first attempt and zero formal training, kind of thinking the sky is the limit. Gorgeous, huh?


I'll leave you with one more sneak peek of some of the others that will be launching. Stay tuned!


All calligraphy by Poppy & Scooter

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