
Our Most Popular Themes for Corporate Holiday Gift Box Designs

FILED IN: Client & Corporate Gifts, Education, Holiday & Seasonal

Posted By: Jamie Kutchman

It's not enough for us to simply design corporate holiday gift boxes that look pretty. It's not enough for them to be designed in-line with our clients' branding colors. While these things are crucial, we take it a step further and aim to curate the gift box contents around an underlying theme or concept. Doing this leads to holiday client gift designs that appear intentional, thoughtful, and extremely cohesive! (And please note, I use the term "theme" loosely because we never want our gift boxes to be too "themey", if you know what I mean.) Anyway, I'm excited to share with you some of our most popular corporate holiday gifting themes we've designed for our clients! You'll notice that even when bringing the same theme to life for several clients, since the gift boxes are designed to perfectly reflect each client's unique brand, the gifts end up looking completely unique and different from one another even though the concepts are roughly the same. 

Cozy at Home

It probably comes as no surprise that this 'cozy at home' concept was all the rage in late 2020 when everyone was stuck at home during the pandemic. Our clients requested this concept for holiday client appreciation gifts as well as custom employee appreciation holiday gifts. To bring this theme to life, we've sourced countless throw blankets, coffee mugs, sweet treats, candles, coffee and cocoa, and even essential oil diffusers. 



luxury corporate holiday gifts

luxury corporate holiday gifts

Much like the 'cozy at home' theme, it makes total sense that our clients would love the idea of sending out activity-based gift boxes for their corporate holiday gifting during a pandemic. This concept has always been popular with us but in 2020, it exploded! We did custom gift box designs containing items needed to bake a batch of cookies (even complete with a custom logo cookie cutter for Google) as well a few designs with puzzles, playing cards, and even TableTopics. 

experiential corporate holiday gifts

experiential corporate holiday gifts

experiential corporate holiday gifts
experiential corporate holiday gifts
Shareable Snacks

Pre-pandemic this concept was hugely popular since our clients wanted to send boxes that contained lots of shareable items, mainly snacks. During the pandemic, there was still a desire for this but it was more centered around family sharing instead of sharing with co-workers since everyone was working from home. Either way, these concepts were chock full of interesting and unique contents for people to enjoy together.

luxury corporate holiday gifts

luxury corporate holiday gifts
Health & Wellness

2020 was the first year that this concept became popular with everyone not able to go to the gym yet wanting to remain fit and focused on health and wellness. It was a fun change to get to design to this unique concept during the holidays! We included items such as workout instruction cards, resistance bands, refreshing body wipes, essential oils, diffusers, hand sanitizer and masks, and more.

corporate holiday gift boxes

corporate holiday gift boxes
fitness corporate holiday gifts
Coffee & Hot Cocoa

Always a go-to for holiday time, gifts designed around artisan, small batch coffee and hot cocoa are always a huge hit. We typically include a high end mug or thermos to accompany the beverages with these designs, usually ones that show off our clients' branding. 

coffee cocoa corporate holiday gifts

coffee cocoa corporate holiday gifts
Better Together

Popular for client appreciation gifting year-round, this theme is also a really fun one for the client holiday gifts! The messaging is especially great during the holidays because it takes the opportunity to drive home the message that our clients value the partnerships they have with their clients throughout the year. Gift box designs with this particular theme vary greatly but they always include pairings of items that naturally go well together. These are fun to design and really put our creativity and curation skills to the ultimate test!

luxury corporate holiday gifts

luxury corporate holiday gifts

While these concepts have been designed for several of our clients, each gift design does really end up looking entirely unique. This is the beauty of our signature Custom Gift Design Service! Each gift box design is unique to you and your brand. To learn more about outsourcing your corporate holiday gifting to us from design all the way to delivery to your recipients, inquire here. To see examples of our corporate holiday gift designs, visit here

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