
5 Ways to Make Your House Guests Feel Welcome

FILED IN: Education

Posted By: Jamie Kutchman

how-to-make-your-house-guests-feel-welcome Image: M Loves M

Given the fact that I'm obsessed with welcome gifts, I naturally jump at the chance to do whatever it takes to make my guests feel welcome when I'm the one playing hostess!

Today we have a few simple ideas of how you can enhance your house guest’s stay with a few memorable welcome ideas they're sure to love! While these ideas aren’t necessarily full-on welcome gifts, they definitely do the trick!

WIFI Password

I’m a bit ashamed to admit it but I am truly always connected to my phone. Chances are, your dear houseguests are the same way and they would love to have your Wifi information, without having to ask for it! Simply hand lettering the details on a cute notecard and placing it on a side table is a perfect solution. While they may be on vacation, it’ll be such a blessing to feel the freedom to stay connected! It is also incredibly helpful to have a spare phone charger in their room, just in case! 

how-to-make-your-house-guests-feel-welcome Image: Bisou Style

Fresh Flowers

In my book, there is no reason too small for fresh cut flowers. With fall quickly approaching you might need to trade in some greenery or cute pumpkins, however, fresh decor is always so welcoming. Your guests are sure to love the extra touches that you made and your hospitality certainly won’t go unnoticed.

how-to-make-your-house-guests-feel-welcome SImage: Lauren Evarts


After a long plane ride, or even just because, chocolate is always a wonderful idea! A little something sweet is the perfect pick-me-up to ensure your new guests are excited for their visit. If your guests have never been to your city some local goodies or baked goods from your neighborhood eatery would be an extra special touch. 

how-to-make-your-house-guests-feel-welcome Image: Mast Brothers


A small basket full of the necessities will be a lifesaver if your guest forgot their toothbrush! 

how-to-make-your-house-guests-feel-welcome Image: Amy Bartlam

Reading Material

An assortment of the latest issues to hit newsstands is a great gift that will help keep our house guests up to date on current events, even while they’re on vacation.

how-to-make-your-house-guests-feel-welcome Image: M Loves M

What are your go-to guest room staples? We would love to hear what items you think are a necessity for house guests!

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