
Custom Corporate Gifts for INOVA Healthcare

FILED IN: Client & Corporate Gifts

Posted By: Jamie Kutchman

In general, we believe custom corporate gifts should be a lot more stunning and whole lot less "corporate-y". We were contacted by INOVA Healthcare to create thank you gifts for a special group of physicians, and were extra thrilled to dream up separate gifts for the ladies and the gents.

custom-corporate-gifts-INOVA-Healthcare-physicians Image & Styling: Marigold & Grey

Each gift was packaged in a wooden pine crate and tied with a silk ribbon in soft grey. A gift is never complete without a tag, so we contacted Just Write Studios to create custom “many thanks” tags as a simple and sweet intro to the gift that would follow.

custom-corporate-artisan-gift-INOVA-Healthcare Image & Styling: Marigold & Grey

Each physician received wooden stethoscope coasters, custom cookies embellished with the INOVA Healthcare logo by Two Sugars Studio, an artisan journal, and sea salt caramel chocolates.

custom-corporate-artisan-gift-INOVA-Healthcare Image & Styling: Marigold & Grey

We always love the challenge of sourcing just the right items to meet each client’s unique needs. In this case, we knew the ladies would love an artisan candle while the gents would get use out of a masculine leather roll-up for their electronic chargers. Both served as perfect keepsakes for such hardworking professionals. Additionally, champagne is always a great idea, yes?!

custom-corporate-gifts-INOVA-Healthcare-physicians Image & Styling: Marigold & Grey

Each INOVA doctor was pleasantly surprised by their gifts when we hand-delivered them to their Northern Virginia offices and we cannot wait to work with INOVA Healthcare again in the near future!

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