
Solutions to Your Most Common Gifting Dilemmas

FILED IN: Education

Posted By: Jamie Kutchman

Solutions-to-Common-Gifting-Dilemmas Image Credit: Krista A. Jones Photography

Gifting is one of my love languages but I believe that actually makes it harder for me to gift. A gift represents so much to me that I struggle to put together what I believe is the absolutely perfect gift. Give me too much time and I will purchase three different versions of a gift before landing on the final one. Give me a short timeline and I will almost definitely have buyer’s remorse and feel unnecessary embarrassment about my gift of choice.

Enter Marigold & Grey. I started working at Marigold & Grey only a few short weeks before we launched our new Pre-Designed Collection and the first time I saw the collection I knew that my gifting troubles were over! The collection is so perfectly curated and unique and each gift fits so many previously stressful gifting occasions!

Three gifting occasions that used to stress me out but don’t anymore:

Hostess Gift- Aka thank you for letting me make a mess at your house instead of mine

Oh my gosh. Picking out a hostess gift has always given me heartburn. How do you pull something together that is just the right amount of personal, luxurious and gracious? Well you give them Hostess with the Mostess of course! But seriously, Hostess with the Mostest is officially my go-to hostess gift from here on out. Something sweet, a delicious smelling candle, guest-bathroom-worthy soap and lotion and a perfectly neutral turkish towel? Perfecto! Oh and did I mention that it ships in a week or less? Enough time for even the most last-minute gifters!

Solutions-to-Common-Gifting-Dilemmas Image credit: Laura Metzler Photography

Engagement Season- When it happens to you

So I am officially in the land of engagements, showers and weddings. Everyone warned me that it was coming and I laughed them off but now it seems like everyone and their mother is engaged. Being a newlywed myself I totally understand the bliss of the engagement season and I want to shower all of these beautiful brides in treats and goodies but I just do not have time to pick something brand new out every two weeks! Insert the Bride-To-Be box. The Mrs mug is perfect for those “does this ring make me look engaged” Instagram posts and the scrub, bath bombs and candle are all perfect for a little relaxation in the middle of wedding planning insanity.

Solutions-to-Common-Gifting-Dilemmas Image Credit: Laura Metzler Photography

Boys will be Boys- And are impossible to buy for

I cannot stand buying presents for males other than my husband. It goes back to my inability to find the perfect gift. I feel like I always end up with something completely random and useless. I always have the best of intentions but go ahead and ask my brothers if they even know where their Christmas gifts from the past couple of years are. Actually, don’t, because I don’t want to know! My new man-gift is officially You’re the Man. Food, “alcohol”, and man scents. These should be the three pillars of every man gift. Oh yea and while we love pretty things over here, we know guys might scoff at a pretty pink ribbon or gorgeous hat box, so we loaded all those goodies into a man-approved wooden crate. I can already feel my stress level dropping.

Solutions-to-Common-Gifting-Dilemmas Image Credit: Laura Metzler Photography

As you can probably tell, I am obsessed with our new Pre-Designed Collection and I know you will be too! All of our gifts ship in a week or less for free and they even include a personalized note card with a handwritten message of your choice. All you have to do is pick out the perfect gift and let us know where you want it to go and we will take care of the rest! Could it be any easier to #lovewhatyougift?

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