
Featured in End Zone at Washington Commanders Game as Fedex "Customer of the Game"

FILED IN: Behind-the-Scenes, M&G Happenings, Press & Praise

Posted By: Jamie Kutchman

When our shipping partner Fedex chose Marigold & Grey and me as their "Customer of the Week" for the New Year's Day Washington Commanders game at Fedex Field to introduce Marigold & Grey to the entire stadium during the third quarter, it was during the height of the holiday rush and admittedly my brain was fatigued and scattered and so without a ton of thought I just said "Sure, that's great. I'll be there."

 washington commanders game


The magnitude of this opportunity didn't fully register until my little brother Kyle and I rolled onto the scene, were treated like VIPs by the team, and got to run through the players tunnel onto the field during the game and show off some M& gift boxes on the jumbotron (along with our amateur hour dance moves), even getting to the gift the audience a special offer for the month of January. (If you were there, you got the discount code!)


As a lifelong Redskins fan, now Commanders, this way a day full of pinch me moments I'll never EVER forget for the rest of my life. Think: watching the players practice on the field prior to the game, watching the game from the suite, getting the backstage tour where the players enter the stadium, and more!

fedex customer of the game

washington commanders game

featured fedex field

washington commanders customer of the game

Even more special, it fell on my Grampy's would've-been 93rd birthday, the one who turned me into a fan of the burgundy and gold in the first place. I know he was looking down and smiling at my brother and me like crazy. And to think, I woke up on game day feeling almost regretful for saying yes to this because I was SO nervous to go out on the field in front of so many people. But that is just plain silly because it was the most wonderful experience and had I let anxiety ruin it for me, I would've missed out on a memory of a lifetime. Just goes to show that fear is fleeting and you should always just #dothething.

washington commanders customer of the game

washington commanders customer of the game

washington commanders customer of the game

Fedex, you've not only served Marigold & Grey insanely well every single day since making our big conversion to you a few years ago, by handling our thousands upon thousands of gift boxes with care and making us look good to our clients but you've now doubled down on your commitment to us and done a huge thing in support of a woman-owned business! You've turned this lifelong Commanders fan into a lifelong Fedex fan too. And to the Commanders, you've not only been an amazing M&G client that's been a dream to gift with over the last year, but you've also given my little brother and me an experience of a lifetime. THANK YOU!

washington commanders customer of the game

washington commanders

To see more Marigold & Grey press and partnership features, visit here! To inquire about custom gift boxes like those we designed and executed for the Washington Commanders, visit here.

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