
Holiday Hostess // How to Pamper Your Partner with Valentine's Day Breakfast

FILED IN: Education, Holiday & Seasonal

Posted By: Jamie Kutchman

After a few weeks of pulling my hair out from technical issues with the blog, we're finally back! And just in time to check in with our resident 'Holiday Hostess' Vicky Theodorou for her unique take on Valentine's Day. Vicky is the owner of event styling & catering company Heirloom DC and she's spilling the beans on how us ladies can step it up and treat our men to a delish breakfast, quite possibly even breakfast in bed!


And now let's hear from Vicky:

We all know Valentine’s Day was a holiday created to remind men, 'Hey, it’s time to wine and dine your lady and show her your appreciation because, Who run the world, GIRLS!' (totally appropriate Beyonce song lyric). Over the past decade or so, especially in recent years, we’ve started to see a shift where ladies are showing men their appreciation as well. We won’t get into the why. Instead, we’ll tell you ladies how to show your man (or lady) some extra love by preparing the tastiest breakfast & making – well, kinda making – the best gift.


Instead of waking up Valentine’s morning with the usual, honey to-do list, why not wake up and pamper your man. Maybe he’ll decide to upgrade that bottle of vino later that evening at your dinner reservation.

What To Make

Stylish bites, an Heirloom staple, much to my dismay, won't do it here. Instead, we want hearty and satisfying portions of a classic with an updated twist. Think: Meat, Carbs, Cheese, Sweet. Let’s start off with the…

Meat: You’ll never go wrong with Bacon or a naturally cured meat like Prosciutto, Pancetta or Chorizo. At Heirloom, we cure a lot of our meats in house but if not, we turn to the trusted pros over at Red Apron. Pick a meat that’s salty and fatty. Cook it to his liking (for example, mine loves his bacon crispy) and set it aside for now.

Cheese: Good cheese makes all the difference. For our purposes for this breakfast, we want a mild cheese like Havarti or Gouda. Get a block from a reputable source, we love Righteous Cheese or Cheesetique. Slice a few about a quarter inch thick sliced long-ways and set aside.

[WHY DOES SHE KEEP TELLING ME TO SET THIS STUFF ASIDE?! You’ll see. Just trust that I’ve won the hearts over of many with the key to love, food ;)]

Carbs: Do you know anyone who doesn’t love a waffle? If yes, DEFRIEND. Life’s too short. Invest in a waffle iron. They’re relatively inexpensive and if you love being in the kitchen (or want to try to love), then there’s a ton you can do with this in the long run. Here’s a couple that are fail proof and perfect for your home kitchen: Square or Circle. For a simple, tasty and fluffy waffle recipe, see below. Make one serving as suggested below (yields 10 waffles)

Time to scramble or fry some eggs, We think a fried egg works best for this delicious combo. A little runny or over medium will be best. 4 - 6 eggs total.

Finally! Take one piece of your home made waffle, add the meat, then egg(s), then top with cheese. Set in the oven on broil for 2 minutes to melt the cheese. Take it out, add Real Maple Syrup and top with another piece of waffle. Palm smash. Then, Voila! We have the Manliest Man Breakfast Waffle Sandwich. YOU’RE WELCOME.


Don’t forget to make one for yourself. Add some Berries or seasonal fruit like apples and citrus on the side for some health. Scoop of yogurt with the fruit as well if you’re feeling frisky.

It’s gift time.

Buy a Bottle of Bourbon. Something Good from your local liquor store, if it’s from Kentucky, you’ve probably done good. Next, buy some oranges. Peel two oranges long ways from top to bottom, going around the orange and twisting as you go. Your peel should be in tact and look like this. Open the bourbon bottle, squeeze the peel (one whole one first, then the second) all the way to the bottom. Put the top back on and let sit at least 24 hours.


Brew a cup of Compass Coffee, add some Trickling Springs Cream and a shot of Citrus Infused Bourbon. Your significant will be impressed all around. Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone!

Waffle Recipe


  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 3/4 cup unrefined sugar
  • 3-1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 2 large happy eggs, separated egg and yolk
  • 1-1/2 cups grass-fed milk
  • 1 cup grass-fed butter, melted
  • 1 teaspoon almond or vanilla extract
  • Coconut Oil or non-GMO Canola Oil
  • Sliced fresh strawberries or syrup


  1. In a bowl, combine flour, sugar and baking powder. In another bowl, lightly beat egg yolks. Add milk, butter and vanilla or almond extract; mix well. Stir into dry ingredients just until combined. Beat egg whites until stiff peaks form; fold into batter.
  2. Spray or brush irons with coconut oil or canola oil (is using coconut oil, note this will lightly alter the flavor).
  3. Lightly bake in a preheated waffle iron according to the directions for your specific iron, until golden brown.

How are you celebrating Valentine's Day? The gifts from our Pre-Designed Collection work wonders too!

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