
Most Popular Theme for Client Gift Boxes

FILED IN: Client & Corporate Gifts

Posted By: Jamie Kutchman, Founder

We've been a lot quieter on the blog than usual. We experienced a far busier January than expected followed by me needing to take a month off in February for spine surgery (ugh). Then in March, we booked a massive project that required us to learn how to ship pallets versus regular boxes on top of all of our regular custom projects and online order fulfillment. Now here we are, already April 1st, and we're ready to talk about client gifts

Almost two years ago, we had a client come to us with a marketing theme of "Better Together" and asked us to bring this idea to life in the form of client gifts. We immediately decided that we would curate contents that were natural pairs that would represent the "Better Together" concept. The items not only had to pair well but they also had to represent our client's brand colors...quite a challenge! 


For contents, we represented "beer and nuts" with salted peanuts and Sugarfina pale ale pints. For "candle and matches" we included an artisan candle along with a high quality match box. For "tea and honey" we selected a small batch tea tin along with local honey. And then for an added bonus, we included a leather roll-up to hold a branded USB drive. We affixed a branded notecard to the inside lid of the box with "Better Together" clearly visible!


Since this project, we've done several more "Better Together" themed projects. In fact, it's quickly become one of our most popular requests that we receive for custom gift design above any other. While they all share the same concept, they each have their own unique twist on the theme and represent each client's brand in a unique way.

For this next project for Gold PR, instead of distinct item pairings, we included items that would all naturally go together. Going along with a wine and cheese concept, we included the most unique set of geode wine tumblers, a handmade wood cheese board and cheese knife set, along with honey and roasted pecans. A branded notecard on the inside as well as a logo gift tag finished off the gift design.



We love this gifting concept so much that we even launched mini "Better Together" themed holiday gift boxes this past December. We included arguably the most iconic item pairing of all...peanut butter and jelly! 


What do you all think of this gifting concept? What do you use for our own client gifting theme? Please leave us a comment below or to inquire about our signature Custom Gift Design Service, please reach out here! We'd love to hear from you!

Images by: Lissa Ryan Photography



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1 comment

  • Pearlice Diggs: April 23, 2019

    I love the Better Together Concept.

    Would love to create a Perfect Pair for my brand as a Thank You for Booking Us.
    Pearlice’s Perfect Pair ( Hence P3 Weddings & Events)

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