
Small Business Saturday Special Offer from Curated Gift Box Business Marigold & Grey

FILED IN: Behind-the-Scenes, Holiday & Seasonal

Posted By: Jamie Kutchman, Founder
Small Business Saturday special offer from curated gift box business Marigold & Grey

I own a small business. Most people would say this means I get to make my own hours, be my own boss and work whenever I want. While there's some truth to these statements, they don't tell the whole story. In reality, I'm the last one to leave the office at night and only one to come in on the weekends when everyone else is off. When something goes wrong, I'm the voice taking full responsibility, doing whatever it takes to make it right regardless of the cost or sacrifice. I come home mentally drained with sometimes very little leftover energy to devote to my personal life. This takes a toll. I'm behind on home projects, I won't start my own holiday shopping until mere days before Christmas (thank God for Amazon Prime), and I confess my fridge looks like a single bachelor lives there instead of a family. 
So, why do I do it? And why do countless other business owners keep at it too? The answer is easy. There is nothing better than bringing something to life and seeing it grow from nothing into something. There is nothing better than believing in your mission statement so deeply that you'll do whatever it takes to use your business to benefit and serve as many people as possible. And here at Marigold & Grey, as we curate items for our gift designs, there is nothing better than supporting these countless other small businesses and witnessing their businesses grow right alongside ours!

Small Business Saturday isn't merely a trending hashtag or an excuse for another sale. Starting a business is scary. It's giving up the safe and secure for at shot at making a life doing what you believe in. It's hearing the naysayers (who are "just playing devils advocate") warn you you'll fail, but digging deep and listening to your own instincts instead, quite possibly for the first time in your life. It's surviving times when you have the least amount of resources yet need the most help. It's working to the point of exhaustion because sometimes you are your only shot at getting it done. It's choosing your team more carefully sometimes than you choose friends since there's zero margin for error. It can even mean dipping into your personal savings to make payroll because the owner's needs can't trump the business needs. It takes an awfully big dreamer (and do'er!!) to make these sacrifices yet still believe it's worth it. When you support small business, you are absolutely, positively, without a doubt supporting a big, huge, relentless dream. When you hand over your cash or hit "checkout" online today, you're saying "I see what you're doing and want you to keep fighting the good fight" to the one with everything riding on his or her shoulders. Trust me, it means everything.
P.S. Today only, we're offering FREE personalized gift tags with purchases of 10 gifts or more at a time. Perfect for small businesses looking to include their logo and branding on holiday gifts! Use Code: SATURDAY to redeem this offer. Expires at midnight on Saturday, Nov 24th. More info HERE.
Cover Image by Lissa Ryan Photography
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