
Sneak Peek Into Our 2021 Fall Gift Box Collection Coming Soon

FILED IN: Behind-the-Scenes, M&G Happenings, Ready-to-Ship Gifts

Posted By: Jamie Kutchman

As you may already know by now, every year we launch a set of brand new curated gift box designs for our online shop. We typically do this in either spring or summer but this year, we're set to launch in early September! Because this year's collection is large and spans many gifting categories, truthfully, it took us longer than usual to bring it to life. I'm so excited to give you all a sneak peek into what's to come so you can hopefully get excited right alongside us and, of course, offer you the chance to join Marigold Mail so you'll be the first to know the moment we launch!

Curated Gift Boxes by Marigold & Grey


In the meantime, here's what we have in the works...

The Give Back Collection

As you may recall from our 2021 goals we published at the beginning of this year, it was a major goal of ours to launch a charity collection. And proud to say, it's happening! We have a subset of this new collection where each gift will have a percentage of proceeds donated to a charity related to the theme of the gift box. For example, proceeds from our "New Dog Owner" gift box will contribute to an animal related charity and so on and so forth. 

Additional gifts categories will include:
  • Back to the Office 
  • Woman-Owned 
  • Virtual Event 
  • Housewarming and Realtor
  • Happy Birthday, both masculine and feminine
  • Graduation and Job Promotion
  • Congratulations/Celebration
  • Breakup/Divorce 
  • Grief and Thinking of You
  • Meditation and Mindfulness
  • New Dad and New Baby
  • Tea and Honey
  • Coffee
  • Sustainability
Curated Gift Boxes by Marigold & Grey


As you can see, this collection spans many different occasions and will also offer a variety of different aesthetics. Some are bold and modern while others are playful and brightly colored (a change for us!). But don't worry. We're of course launching more of the soft, neutral, lush aesthetic we've come to be known for.

Our goal truly is to make gifting as easy and beautiful as possible so with each refresh that we do every year, these additions are always made with our clients in mind. Not only what you've been asking us for but what you've already been liking of ours. We always want to double down on what you're liking to give you more options into the future so you never have to worry about getting bored with what you see from us. Sure, we don't want to break what isn't broken. But we never want to rest on our laurels and take you for granted either! Stay close by and get ready for this launch! It's going to be one of our best yet. If you have any questions, reach out here. We always love hearing from you!


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