
2015: A Year in Review

FILED IN: Behind-the-Scenes, Holiday & Seasonal, M&G Happenings

Posted By: Jamie Kutchman

Twenty-fifteen was our first FULL calendar year in business. It's mind-boggling to look back at how far we've come in the last 12 months creating artisan gifts for weddings, workshops, clients and corporate! To be clear, I definitely don't mean we've become a multi-million dollar company. I don't mean that we expanded internationally. We didn't sign a lease for a fancy-schmancy commercial workspace that I happen to dream about non-stop. But I DO mean that we made some serious in-roads in areas that count: gaining clients, meaningful collaborations, establishing workflow, growing a team, establishing a brand and more.

Marigold-Grey-2015-Year-In-Review Image credit: Elizabeth Fogarty Photography

Here's a look back at 2015!

Bowties & Bubbly Bridal Show 

This was our first MAJOR gift build back in early 2015 when the business was just me. I designed and assembled two-hundred luxe swag bags for the brides attending the Bowties & Bubbly Bridal Show at Chesapeake Bay Beach Club. Not only was this event a great experience handling a gift build of this magnitude, but I also participated in the many styled shoots taking place at the event with various design teams. It was a fantastic way to meet people in the industry, many of whom I went on to develop both working relationships and friendships with! It was also my first stab at designing a bridal show booth. This show helped me build meaningful momentum for the business and it's an experience I'll never forget.

View More: http://kristaajones.pass.us/bags Image credit: Krista A. Jones

Marigold & Grey Launch Party

With the planning expertise (AND floral genius!) of my friends at Kruse & Vieira Events, I hosted the official M&G launch party last spring at The Loft at 600F in DC. I was nervous that no one would attend. My stomach was in knots. Well, I worried for nothing because it ended up being a beautiful afternoon full of love and support from so many in the industry. I was blown away by everyone's enthusiasm and the momentum from the party helped propel me into my first wedding season. To top it off, the event was eventually featured on one of my favorite blogs, Inspired by This!

View More: http://kristaajones.pass.us/marigold-launch Image credit: Krista A. Jones; Styling & Florals: Kruse & Vieira Events

Rock Star Interns

I was blessed this year with four interns who each contributed significantly and I hope, in turn, walked away having learned a ton about creative entrepreneurship! Many thanks to summer interns Annie Grey Dixon, Amanda Johnson, Ellen Cook and winter intern Liz Bargamian for your contributions. I couldn't have survived the year without you and welcome you back at any time!

lizbargamian Liz Bargamian

anniegrayheadshot2 Annie Gray Dixon

ellencookintern1[1] Ellen CookLaunched Bridal Party Gift Line

After numerous requests for bridal party gifts, I decided to launch a few pre-designed gift options and make them available on the website. The "Will You Be My Bridesmaid" gift box has, by far, been the most popular along with our "Blushing Bride" and "Something Blue" gifts made especially with the bride-to-be in mind. Had a blast shooting these with Abby Jiu and look forward to adding more to the collection this year.

ajp-13 Image credit: Abby Jiu Photography

Joined Middleburg Events Studio

One of the major highlights of 2015 was being invited into the Middleburg Events Studio collaborative alongside a group of vendors whom I've LONG admired. This immediately led to a fall-inspired styled shoot with this group of creatives and instantly because one of my favorite styled shoots I've ever had the pleasure of participating in.

Image credit: Vicki Grafton Image credit: Vicki Grafton

Hired First Full-Time Employee

Bringing on Katherine as Operations Manager was one of the best decisions I could've ever made for Marigold & Grey. Our workflow, production capacity and overall client experience have increased and improved tremendously.

reneehollingsheadphotography_mg_portraits-1 Image credit: Renee Hollingshead Photography

Launched Mentoring Sessions

After doing a significant amount of coaching an mentoring on the side, this fall, I decided to formally add it to my workflow and offer one-on-one mentoring sessions to small business owners. I've thoroughly enjoyed every single session I've done and look forward to more in 2016!

Image credit: Renee Hollingshead Photography Image credit: Renee Hollingshead Photography

New Headshots (Finally!)

I despise being in front of the camera. DESPISE. But, new head shots were long overdue and thankfully my dear friend Renee Hollingshead agreed to take me on. I have to admit, it felt amazing to have this done and crossed off the to-do list and the session ended up being way more fun than I thought.

Image credit: Renee Hollingshead Photography Image credit: Renee Hollingshead Photography

Tuesdays Together

I was chosen as the Tuesdays Together leader for the Bethesda/Chevy Chase area. This  means I regularly host between twenty-five and forty creative entrepreneurs in my home on the second Tuesday evening of each month. We spend the first hour mixing and mingling and then settle in to formally discuss various business topics ranging from Creating a Client Experience to Instagram Strategy to Law & Contracts. For November, we gathered to create holiday cards for nursing home residents across the country! The Rising Tide Society has started quite a special movement and I'm honored to continue leading this local group into 2016!

File Nov 11, 1 40 01 PM Image credit: Marigold & Grey

Launched Holiday Gift Box Line

Had an incredible time curating a special line of holiday gift boxes for 2015! We partnered with some of our favorite  vendors and spread tons of holiday cheer throughout the DC area and beyond!

Image credit: Renee Hollingshead Photography; Calligraphy: Poppy & Scooter

I'm blown away by how much has happened over the last 12 months and cannot wait to see what 2016 holds. It wouldn't be possible, though, without support from our clients, followers, vendor partners and industry friends. Much love to you all and Happy New Year!

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