
Custom Welcome Gifts for Trouvaille Workshop // Part 2 of 4

FILED IN: Workshop Swag

Posted By: Jamie Kutchman

Perhaps you caught yesterday's Part One of this four-part series? Just in case you're not familiar with what we're doing, over the course of this week, I'm sharing the thought and aesthetic behind each unique welcome gift design we created for last year's Trouvaille Workshop, hosted by Rhi of Hey Gorgeous Events. Ready for Gift Two!?

custom-welcome-gifts-trouvaille-workshop-swag-marigold-grey Image: Nancy Ray Photography

Gift Two was a small floral-inspired gift for attendees to receive just as they headed into lunch. Then immediately after lunch, they'd have the gift handy to use during a floral design session. The gift was not only beautiful but also had some very functional elements such as a floral frog and some really special clippers.

custom-welcome-gifts-trouvaille-workshop-swag-marigold-grey Image: Nancy Ray Photography

Each gift also included hand-dyed silk ribbon to finish off their bouquet designs later in the day, a lavender sachet, and a soft grey tea towel. MM Ink Studio created small hand-lettered escort cards with each attendee's table assignment which we then positioned into the floral frog to make it stand up!

custom-welcome-gifts-trouvaille-workshop-swag-marigold-grey Image: Nancy Ray Photography

Similar to Gift One from yesterday's post, we added fresh blooms, greenery and a mini succulent just before these are presented to the attendees as well! They were then beautifully displayed on a shelving unit from Paisley & Jade.

custom-welcome-gifts-trouvaille-workshop-swag-marigold-grey Image: Nancy Ray Photography

custom-welcome-gifts-trouvaille-workshop-swag-marigold-grey Image: Nancy Ray Photography

When I design gifts, I try my best to blend the functional and the beautiful. Gift Two was a perfect example of this with the technical items needed for Rhi's class along with some thoughtful items for the attendees to enjoy later!

custom-welcome-gifts-trouvaille-workshop-swag-marigold-grey Image: Nancy Ray Photography

Let us know what you think by leaving us a comment! Or reach out via our contact page! We always love to hear from you. Hint: stay tuned for tomorrow's Part 3 where we'll detail a very special gift given to attendees at dinner just before bedtime.

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