
Mastering the Art of the Handwritten Note

FILED IN: Education

Posted By: Jamie Kutchman

Our parents taught us to write "thank you" notes after receiving a gift or a thoughtful notion. Although this tradition remains common, what doesn't remain common is regular correspondence through the written word. While spending a semester in New York away from friends and family, my best days were spent reading and rereading letters from my loved ones back home. It also draws my memory to a box of letters I've collected from friends throughout the years.


I have found that as I get older and come to the conclusion of college, my friends disperse and spread out around the country. My best friend resides in California, along with my brother, and my favorite pen pal lives in New York. The best part of the my week is spent writing to these folks, just to say hello and I am thinking of them. In a time and generation of virtual and half-hearted communication, I know this extra time to write out thoughts and concerns is meaningful to these important people in my life.

Here are some tips for inspiring correspondence:

Address Book

Make sure your addresses are up to date. Think about the last time you sent a piece of mail or collected your friend's new address... Might be awhile! Reach out to whoever you would want to write to just to double check you have the right location. This will also get them excited to expect something from you!

Stationery Stash

The best way to inspire some correspondence is a walk  to Michaels or Target. I pick up most of my stationary at these stores because of the convenience of the 8+ packs they come in, the customized and classy designs, and of course the price! Stock up and stash cute designs so you have the perfect card for every occasion.

Stamps On-Hand

Stamps are always kept close because I stash a few in my wallet. These come in handy when I see an irresistible card to send to my brother.


Image Credit: Pens and Envelopes

Just Write

Take an hour or two out of the week to sit down and write. Not only will this inspire some communication with friends, but also act as a creative outlet and a stress reliever.

Letter Collection

Save your letters! If a loved one writes you back, save it. It serves as an album of memories and may even bring more vivid recollections than a photo!

Get Creative

Get creative. Along with letters, I love sharing books and care packages. Currently, I am participating in a book club created by shipping books back and forth from New York and it's never been so fun to read!

Share us some tips or stories about your time writing letters! We would love to hear and share them.

Image credit (top): Marigold & Grey

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