
Meet Artisan Branding Guru Katie Durski of Ribbon & Ink // Small Business Spotlight

FILED IN: Small Business Spotlight

Posted By: Jamie Kutchman

Happy Friday everyone! Today, I'm honored to introduce you to my dear friend Katie Durski on the morning following the big reveal of her new brand and website Ribbon & Ink! What used to be KD Creative Studio is now refreshed, renamed and offering services for both creatives AND couples! Read on to learn more about this savvy boss lady's decision to re-launch and then head over to her gorgeous new website, designed by her of course.

But first, a quick peek! Ahh, few things better in life than fresh, sparkling, gorgeous new branding, am I right?

Meet-Katie-Durski-Ribbon-InkTell us a little about yourself. 

I have always been an artist. Whether painting, playing piano, filming a wedding, writing a story, or designing on a computer, I love to create art. I especially love using my art to help people create new beginnings. Anything I can do to help better someone’s life is worth doing. My business background and love for design led me to launch Ribbon & Ink.

My mission is twofold. I empower creative business owners to reach for their dreams by creating innovative brands that inspire confidence. I also help engaged couples bring their wedding vision to life in the form of personalized wedding branding and print products.


Please explain to us the history of Ribbon & Ink and how it all came about.

When I started this entrepreneur thing I had one company called KD Creative that specialized in branding for creatives. I started Ribbon & Ink as a spin off company specializing in branding for couples. I figured I was already so involved in the wedding industry because most of my KD Creative clients were wedding vendors that it would be a fun, different idea to do branding for a different type of client, an engaged couple. It also was easier to connect to engaged couples because of my wedding vendor connections. I just remember from my wedding that I wished I had a more cohesive look. It was so hard to find the right shade of green invitation to match the bridesmaids dresses I had picked out. Nothing really matched that well. I thought branding an event, such as a wedding, would be a great way to have a unified look.


Why the recent re-brand?

I decided to rebrand for a few reasons. One being that I had never really taken the time to think through my brand like I do with my clients. I also felt people were confused about what the difference was between my two companies, KD Creative and Ribbon & Ink. The main reason I rebranded was because I felt I had outgrown my current style and wanted something more sophisticated and soft to better reflect that.

Tell us about your favorite type of client to work with.

My favorite type of client to work with is driven and excited about getting a brand that is reflective of the quality of their work. I love clients who have beautiful work but brands that are not representative of that work and they know that. I love helping them create the brand they deserve after years of hard work!


What do you like most about owning your own company?

I love helping people whether it be with a logo or picking up groceries for them when they are sick. Being able to use my creative gifts to bring joy to others is so fulfilling. I will never get a greater compliment from a client than an email with all caps, exclamation points, and smiley emoticons. It's effortless to do your job when you view it as a privilege.

What advice to you have for others aspiring to own their own business?

Decide why you are starting it. Is it going to be a hobby on the side of a career or do you want it to be your career one day full time? If the latter, start off on the right foot. If you want to be successful identify your target client and niche and if you don't know how then hire someone to help before even thinking about doing any design work and once you get there hire someone as well! The time, thought, and monetary investment up front will pay off later for sure.

Also work hard but don't take yourself too seriously. At the end of the day remember you started your business because it's something you love to do not a chore. Sometimes I find myself thinking "Ugh I have to do this too today" and I have to stop myself and remind myself how blessed I am to do what I do.


Anything else you’d like us to know!?

I am a major book nerd. I stay up way too late reading my Kindle Paperwhite. I'm a soccer player who follows DC United. I have a wonderful husband, son, and yellow lab. While staying at my family's house in Ocean City I'd rather go crabbing than to the beach. Maryland girl all the way!


Thank you Katie for your time! And a huge heartfelt congrats to you in your new venture. xo

P.S.: I talk about brands and creatives I love often on my blog. Stay tuned for more!

All images by: Elizabeth Fogarty Photography

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