
When the Creative Process Goes Wrong

FILED IN: Behind-the-Scenes, M&G Happenings, Unboxing the Business

Posted By: Jamie Kutchman

It's time for another 'Unboxing the Business,' where I take time to offer business tips, shed light on the day-to-day challenges of running artisan gifting business Marigold & Grey, and even share mistakes I've learned along the way.

As you know, we show a lot of 'behind the scenes' on our @marigoldgrey social media channels, but now I'm going further and allowing an even deeper glimpse into my thinking as a CEO and what it takes to keep a business growing and a team thriving. 

What I Do When the Creative Process Goes Wrong

This fall will mark ten years in business for Marigold & Grey, which means I’ve been doing time under the tripod for a decade. You’d think by now it would all be easy breezy, and things would be perfection on the first try.


Sometimes I go in very excited about a vision only to find out that the items don’t fit in the gift box. Or they don’t look right together in real life and on camera. Or the least fun of all - we find out last minute that a new vendor we had our hearts set on isn’t reliable enough to add to our gifting lineup.

I tweak and tweak, relying on all my past years of styling experience, sometimes it still isn’t working.

I get frustrated and it shows.

But then I regroup, get my mind and body right, and start again.

I loosen my grip on my original vision I loved so much and try new things.

Eventually we get where we need to be. But only because we didn’t rush to judgement and scrap it altogether when it proved to be a tricky one.

We embrace the pivot process for its possibility and keep at it until perfection is reached.

This is a lesson for our small little niche topic of gift box photoshoots, sure. But I bet you can apply it to literally anything.

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