
Gift Ideas for your Girl's Getaway

FILED IN: Gift Guides, Social Gifts

Posted By: Jamie Kutchman

Welcome gifts aren't just for weddings. They can also be a fun addition to an end-of-summer girl’s getaway! A quick weekend trip to the Outer Banks, Charleston, or Savannah is always a surefire way to relax and recharge. Laying out on the beach, swapping fun summer stories, and catching up on a fun New York Times Best-Seller seems like an absolute dream!

Today I'm sharing some fun beachy inspiration for Girls' Weekend welcome gifts!

Turkish Towels

I’ve been absolutely loving the rise of Turkish towels! Not only are they incredibly comfortable, they are stunning in the most understated yet elegant way. I’m sure any of you gals would love to relax on the beach with a luxurious Turkish towel. The best part? You can keep on using these towels back at home!

Girls-Getaway-Gift-Ideas Image: Bowl & Pitcher

Water Bottles

Hydration is always important, and what better way to stay hydrated than with a cute water bottle! I'm immediately thinking of infused water and a day at the beach! And by the way, helping the environment just happens to be an added bonus! Whether patterned, modern, metallic, or glass, your friends are sure to adore these great additions to their welcome gifts!

Girls-Getaway-Gift-Ideas Image: S'well

Skin Care

After a long day at the beach and a shower to refresh, a moisturizing lotion is just what your friends will want and need. There are tons of wonderful lotions out there, but I can't resist this packaging.

Girls-Getaway-Gift-Ideas Image: Willow & Shea

Sun Hat

A floppy sun hat is a great way to protect your skin! Paired with your favorite pair of shades, a cute sun hat will complete your whole beach look, while keeping you protected from those nasty UV rays.

Girls-Getaway-Gift-Ideas Image: Ariane Moshayedi

Tote Bag

Often for wedding welcome gifts, we create gifts that are location-specific for our couples. I love the idea of doing something similar for your girl’s getaway! A cute tote from your city of choice is a perfect vessel for your gifts, and a functional farmer's market bag for a long time to come.

Girls-Getaway-Gift-Ideas Image: Christina Perez

Are we forgetting anything? Certainly let us know

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