
Marigold & Grey Announces #GiftYourGratitude Campaign

FILED IN: Behind-the-Scenes, M&G Happenings, Ready-to-Ship Gifts

Posted By: Jamie Kutchman

We are so excited to officially announce our first-ever #GiftYourGratitude campaign. But before the details, I wanted to share with you the heart behind how this campaign came about.

thank you curated gift box

I’ve been thinking a lot about gratitude lately. In going through some hard times in my personal life, someone on our team gave me some advice which I’ve been holding very close to my heart. The advice is this: if you hold space for gratitude and intentionally take moments to focus on the many things you’re thankful for, there becomes far less room for negative emotions like anxiety or panic or sadness to occupy those same moments. This got me thinking about how in good times and in bad, in our work lives and personal lives, we all have those really special people who show up for us, support us, cheer us on, comfort us, have faith in us, and overall make our experience in life and work a better one. Often times we get so busy that we forget to thank them, or intend to thank them and just don’t know how so it falls off the radar. Then we may just hold off until the one holiday known for gratitude, Thanksgiving, or even the holidays in general to recognize these special people. But why not recognize them year-round in those exact moments when we feel the impact they have on us?

This brings me back to why I’m elated to officially announce our first-ever #GiftYourGratitude campaign! Our goal is to make it easier than ever for you to express your gratitude via our Thank You Collection, not merely at Thanksgiving or the holidays, but in the here and now when it counts the most.

Now through the end of October 2022, use code 'GIFTYOURGRATITUDE' to save $10 off any gift boxes in the Thank You Collection priced over $100 plus Free U.S. Shipping and a handwritten notecard with message of your choice. And bonus! We just introduced our new 'thankful for you' gift tag that you can choose for any gift box you send to really drive home your sentiment of thanks.

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