What We Do Differently in January & February
FILED IN: M&G Happenings, Unboxing the Business
Posted By: Jamie Kutchman
The toughest part about January and February around M&G?
The stark difference between the chaos of November and December and the immediate return to a more normal pace at the beginning of January.
Almost as if a switch gets flipped.
One minute it’s all hands-on deck and teamwork is at an all-time high in order to execute a successful holiday rush season. Non-operations team members are pitching in doing operations types of things and the entire team is interacting with one another daily, as opposed to working more individually in our own roles and teams as in other months of the year.
For those of us who thrive on that ultra-fast pace and adrenaline rush, January and February can be a letdown. For others it’s a breather. Regardless of who feels what, we accept that January 2nd is no longer a forced full steam ahead situation.
I used to feel bad about not kicking it into “new year’s resolution mode” our first day back after holiday break. But after 10 years in business, I‘ve realized that this January adjustment period is a recurring pattern for our business...
Instead, we ease back into our normal routine and reserve late January and early Feb for the typical new year’s rituals:
• Meeting as a team to do a deep dive into the previous year - what went well, what didn’t go well, how we want to improve, etc.
• Establishing goals and setting deadlines.
• Making necessary adjustments to roles and responsibilities.
And shifting our focus towards working ON the business vs IN the business to tackle big initiatives we know will propel the business forward. Read here about our new partnership that we announced at the beginning of the year.
I used to feel bad about not kicking it into “new years resolution mode” our first day back after holiday break. I used to feel like something was wrong with me for needing time to gather my thoughts and reflect before I could shift my focus to a new year.
But after 10 years in business, I‘ve realized that this January adjustment period is a recurring pattern for our business and it’s a perfectly normal reaction to such intense holiday rush seasons. Read here my 10 lessons after 10 years in business.
The beauty of it all is that we get to establish our own rhythms and rituals that make most sense for our company’s seasonal ebbs and flows. Feeling guilty about veering from the societal norm is definitely a thing of the past.
Let's make this a conversation.
How do you guys handle January and February?
Are you full steam ahead or do you ease back into things?