
Luxury Corporate Event Gifts for LinkedIn's CEO Leadership Conference with Eco-Friendly Contents

FILED IN: Client & Corporate Gifts

Posted By: Jamie Kutchman, Founder

As a full service gifting business, we handle everything from coming up with gift design concepts to mirror our clients' brands and event aesthetics, sourcing the gifts contents and packaging, bringing the contents into our 6,000 sq ft studio to thoroughly count and quality check the inventory, completing the gift assembly, and then coordinating shipping/delivery with the venue staff hosting the events on behalf of our corporate clients. This corporate event gifting project for LinkedIn we're about to share with you today is no exception! 

LinkedIn's CEO Jeff Weiner was hosting an executive retreat for his core leadership team in California so we needed really special boxes to welcome the group and kickoff this important week of planning and team building. We wanted nods to the local area as well as a tie-in to the group's hike in the Redwood forest as part of their conference itinerary. The challenge? Finding useful items the recipients had never received before while still remaining on-brand and on-theme at the same time.

Luxury corporate event welcome gifts for LinkedIn
For the packaging, we selected high quality kraft boxes and sourced two really special snacks that were made in California...assorted flavors of popcorn in large bags intended for sharing amongst the group as well as chocolate covered almonds (rumored to be the CEO's favorite)! Let's face it. Corporate swag can often have the reputation for being boring and we find that including locally-sourced items is a great way to instantly make the gifts seem more thoughtful and interesting. After all, we don't know many people who don't like the idea of supporting and discovering local small businesses!

California corporate event gift boxes

We needed functional journals and pens but with an organization as innovative as LinkedIn, we knew we needed something more unique and interesting than your everyday branded notebook. We were thrilled to find sustainable climate-positive journals made entirely of stone (as opposed to trees!) and paired these cutting edge journals with pens made of grass. Last but not least, we included really special iPhone charging stations made of real redwood. (The perfect nod to the hike they'd be doing as a group during the retreat!) 

Eco-friendly sustainable corporate event welcome gifts

We finished the gifts off with logo gifts tags with a short welcome meesage and extra wide neutral ribbon. We shipped these directly to the venue fully-assembled so the Executive Assistant to the CEO was ready to go with gifting as soon as she arrived on-site to begin executing the event. Just how we like it...taking gifting entirely off of our clients' shoulders so they can focus on the countless other things already on their to-do list!

Eco-friendly corporate welcome gifts for LinkedIn

Shortly following the corporate retreat, we received the following testimonial from our contact Jaime. We're thrilled to hear that we were successful in taking the tedious task of corporate event gifting completely off of her plate. 

Everyone really loved the gift boxes – it was such a nice surprise for them! I received many “thank yous” post event so a BIG thank you to you and your team for doing all the legwork and execution. I would absolutely use your services again in the future.  I will be sure to post your contact info on our internal global admin website… and spread the word!

To inquire about custom gifts for your corporate event, visit HERE. We'd love to learn more about your event and your gifting goals and see how we can help. To check out some of our favorite corporate event swag designs of all time, visit HERE.

All images: Lissa Ryan Photography
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