How Business Ownership Helps You in Tough Times
FILED IN: Behind-the-Scenes, M&G Happenings, Unboxing the Business
Posted By: Jamie Kutchman
Welcome to another chapter of 'Unboxing the Business,' where I take time to shed light on the day-to-day challenges of running artisan gifting business Marigold & Grey, share helpful business tips I've learned, and even share some mistakes I've learned along the way to help others in a similar position.
If you follow us on our @marigoldgrey social media channels then you already know that we love to share a lot of 'behind the scenes' moments, but now I'm going further and giving a deeper look into my thinking as a CEO and what it takes to keep a business growing while maintaining balance in work and home life.

I've spent the last five months dreaming up new gift designs, refreshing old ones, and eliminating gifts that are no longer working. It's been one of the most intense periods of creation that I've ever had in as long as I can remember, yielding over 45 new creations.
The parallels to my personal life during this time have been uncanny.
I've been doing a whole lot of creating new, refreshing existing, and eliminating the old there as well, and the timing of it all isn't lost on me.
I shared with you earlier this year that my personal life got completely turned upside down but that I was working hard to figure out my new normal. And while it still isn't pretty these days, I've been embracing the process and will continue to do so until I'm where I want to be.
These things take time.
A lesson learned during this train wreck of a year?
This small business of mine that I've given SO much of myself to over the last ten years is now giving back to me tenfold.
• It's been a foundation when things feel shaky because having a purpose at work is life giving, sticking to a routine, and leaving the house to go somewhere each day is stabilizing, and getting the chance to see creative visions come to life is heart healing.
• The biggest realization of all this is the team surrounding me. During these last months, no matter what situation I find myself in, I know I am completely covered by this incredible team M&G through thick and thin. Ultimately, a business isn't actually a business - it's the people behind it that make it what it is. Not sure how I got so lucky.
• Business ownership can deplete you. It will suck you dry if you let it. But it can also remind you who you are at your core, what you're made of, and bring you back to life when you need it most.
We've just released the last set of designs along with our holiday collection . You've been so supportive of what we've released thus far and we can't wait to see how this last release is received.
This reveal feels especially personal, so thank you times a million.